The Ancient Maya of Belize

The Sky Place is set in both ancient and modern-day Belize. During the classic period, the ancient Maya of Belize were governed by divine hereditary rulers who presided over a vast civilization made up of city-states that were interconnected by trade networks and royal alliances.

A note on diction:

Maya/Mayan: Maya is used as a singular noun, a plural noun, and an adjective to describe the people and their culture. Mayan is used to describe their language.

Example 1: The Maya of Belize speak different Mayan languages.

Example 2: This ancient Maya pot was used during Maya rituals.

Maya deities and noble ancestors:

The ancient Maya believed that human beings could become gods. Many Maya gods were venerated ancestors, or forefathers with glorious achievements, who were deified and worshiped. These gods could be called upon for help through sacred rituals.

Buluk Chabtan: The god of war and sacrifice. Buluk Chabtan is also spelled Buluc Chabtan.

Chac: The god of rain, lightning, and thunder. Chac is also spelled Chaac, Chaak, or Chak.

Ixtab: The goddess of suicide. The ancient Maya believed that suicide was honorable.

Kimi: Kimi is one of many death gods in the Maya pantheon.

Kinich Ahau: The god of the sun, nobility, and the Maya monarchy. Kinich Ahau is also spelled K’inich Ajaw.

Night Sun: The jaguar god of the underworld. This is the form taken by the sun god when he descends into the underworld each night and becomes a jaguar.

One Hunahpu: Celestial being who became a god. Father of the Hero Twins.

Xmucane: First divine grandmother and wife of Xpiyacoc. Mother of One Hunahpu.

Xpiyacoc: First divine grandfather and husband of Xmucane. Father of One Hunahpu.

The three planes of existence:

According to ancient Maya lore, a version of the ceiba tree, the World Tree, is at the center of the universe and runs through the three levels of the Maya cosmos, the upperworld, middleworld, and the underworld.

The upperworld is the heavens or the celestial realm above the land of the living. The upperworld is home to benevolent gods, mystical beings, and deified ancestors.

Middleworld is earth or the land of the living. The ancient Maya believed the earth was flat with four sides. At each of the four corners, a god supported the sky. Middleworld is located between the upperworld and the underworld.

The underworld or Xibalba is a fearsome place below the land of the living that the dead must traverse. It is filled with trials, tricks, and challenges, and it is home to various nefarious gods, such as the lords of Xibalba. The ancient Maya believed the sun descended into the underworld at night and was reborn each day as it emerged from the underworld.


Further reading on the ancient Maya of Belize:


Interview with Lyla Cork, Author of The Sky Place


Emily’s Belize Vacation